Recipe post sample

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This recipe was copied from Foodista website (licensed under CC3.0).

Chicken salad is a great meal any time of year but we especially love it in winter when deliciously crisp apples are in season. When combined with a few other simple ingredients you probably already have on hand – like sweet raisins, curry powder, orange – this dish just sings!

Many curried chicken salad recipes contain a scoop or two of Major Grey\\\’s mango chutney (which we love!), but it\\\’s not a common pantry item in many homes. To make up for the sweet and spicy flavor of the chutney we used the zest and juice of an orange along with a pinch of powdered ginger, both of which added a nice zip and zing to this delicious chicken salad!

Serve the salad atop a bed of your favorite greens or as a sandwich for lunch or dinner.

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